Safer Sleeping

The sudden and unexpected death of a baby is usually referred to by professionals as ‘sudden unexpected death in infancy’ (SUDI) or ‘sudden unexpected death in childhood’ (SUDC), if the baby was over 12 months old. The death of a baby which is unexpected is also sometimes referred to as ‘sudden infant death’. Although there are no definitive explanations for some of these deaths, there is reliable evidence that links issues with an infant’s sleep environment and an increased risk of a sudden unexpected death.

The Office of National Statistics report that in the UK between 2006-2014 SUID affects over 200 infants a year.

In Mid and West Wales, all Health Professionals who have contact with parents of babies and infants must give clear, current, consistent advice to parents, in relation to safe sleep at every opportunity.

Lullaby Trust Resources

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families. Their website has a wealth of information and resources categorised as below. 

The following 7 minute briefing based on guidance from Powys Teaching Health Board offers advice for parents and practitioners. Click the image for a pdf copy to download.